"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
lol, we are not even finished installing it, however ill explain for the admins..
There is a new link on your forums home page that says update stats. If you click on it it will give you some max stats.
then a mod or admin must fill your stats up for you to be living.
every time you level up you get more stats by pushing the update stats button. also if you choose an element from the edit profile page and hit update stats you will have your sstats effected depending on your element. THe reason my stats are "fixed" is because i have the ultra hidden Alpha element, there is also the hidden Omega Element, if you can find them you get stat benifits.
now for the stats here is the low down on them
HP is Health point aka your life
MA is mystic aura also know as magic
PP is power points the result of saving your energy
AP is anger percentage, it goes up as you are damaged
however your admins can use them how they want to.
THe reason my stats are "fixed" is because i have the ultra hidden Alpha element, there is also the hidden Omega Element, if you can find them you get stat benifits.
I guess I'm 1337 then
Come on, you could have done better than that. That was easy
And where u find those????? somewhere in user CP????? around Zelaron forums????? In the washing machine cuz u forgot em in ur pants pocket?????
Or Are only for admin/mods??????