It's pretty common knowledge that the sets as "endgame" gear are pretty unimpressive (though I suppose I could make a case for Griswolds if I used the sockets well).
One set I've never tried though is Mav's but I don't feel like wasting my time. Does the full set actually work even? I mean...Is there any redeeming quality to using it and building a zon around it or is it awful like most of the "endgame" sets out there and I should be thinking of a different gear/build setup unless Im looking for a challenge.
It works best PvM (you already knew that tho). The best build to use it with are your run of the mill FA/Strafe zon. Only possible problem part is finding where you want to get your Mana leech from because you are going to need alot of it. Go with a A2 might merc to increase your phy damage.