1. whats ur real name
2. what was higest grade u finish
3. any of you military
4. anyone read Terry Brooks?
5. what race do you prefer in erm ___ heheh(asain.white,black etc...)
6. whos your fav baseball team
7. whos ur fav game character
8. How, hi are you?
1. David Roethel
2. I'm in 8th now
3. My dad was a Drill Seargent (however the hell you spell it lol)
4. No
5. White
6. Base whaa?
7. Samus
8. I'm good, how are you?
1. THG-303
2. Does kindergraden count?\
3. My parents drafted me into the Marines.
4. I like peanuts.
5. I prefer mixed group sex.
6. I wouldnt know a home-run if i saw one.
7. Mitomitsi from Tenticle Alien RAPE two (naked hentai fun! )
8. A truck just ran over my cast.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.
1. hack into my comp and you will know
2. Sophomore in 3 months
4. WHo the hell is that?
6.I like soccer
8. Cool kitten sig sum yung
ill stop masturbating as much so more kittens wont die