well.. i was thinking makin a sorc that uses 6x soc weap, 4x soc armour, 3x soc helm, 4x soc sheild and filling those all with different kinds of DIE facets
and then use static to lower there life then they kill u and BAM they die
i dont think this would work becuase i am pretty sure that static on other players would be even less effective than it is towards monsters. because in hell static only takes monsters to 50% life then stops working so i think it would not work even if it did take them to 50% life they would more than likely be able to with stand your facets effects.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
yup, static works in a way. thing is it ISNT viable since its pretty much nerfed to hell cuz 1/4 of anyones left is LOL..... back in classic it reminded me of a sorc that static'ed and just nova'ed u it worked though O_o for that time