how have u not seen him not too long ago i joined a free game for the hell of it and laugh at the newb items that the newb gives them or leaves and then all of a sudden when i joined the game dclone spawned and i vsed him but i didnt get anni someones pikit was faster than mine damn ><
hes ez as all hell do my dclone hunter my zealot he kicks ass killed him in 10 secs flat but it was on the account that got haked so...i use my hammerdin who kills him after like 1 min tops
If you ever fight him, you'll want a tank, a hammerdin, or a cold sorc. He has 95% all resist but only 50% magic resist so that's what can kill him fast, and he rejuv's life fast.
I have a friend that can kill him in an average of 45 seconds with just plain average items botd,enigmas,hotos or coh.....his biggest item is a hoz but he has two weapons one with 100% open wounds and then he switches to the crushing blow weapon its awesome to watch.
to beat him just use a zealot with drac gloves for the life tap, youll more then likely survive long enough till life tap comes in and then ur home free just smite the hell outta him, and if that fails get a necro to use life tap on him and his fait is sealed
Question, sometimes ill join a game and it will say dclone has spawned (or w/e the message says) does this mean he is still alive, or has spawned already and is possibly dead?