well there is one char who could take her. see b/c of her gear she has SHIT ALL FOR RES so use an ELEM char like a trapper or b/c she doesnt have enigma if u just fuckin bone prisoned her a bunch of times so she was trapped trying to break thru then SPIRIT SPIRIT her a bunch u could take her. also a good ww'sin could take her. but u would have to be FAST AS HELL. zon's usually dont have much armor so just use fade and d-flight in and ww her then RUN LIKE FUCK AWAY!!!!! then repeat or b/c she would most likely use power strike. um but ur best bet to take her out would be a good ELEMENTAL DRUID. since zon's javalins are mostly lightning based, not much physical damage i think if you used an ELEM DRUID w/ enigma and some light absorb shit, even tho it will lessen ur dmg also save u incase ur cyclone armor failed. but ELEMENTAL DRUID COULD TANK HER, just get in close w/ ARMOR MAXED AND ON and then hurricane, tele and then TORNADO HER TO HIGH HELL
EDIT: i say hurricane druid could tank the fuck outta her...even tho his cyclone armor wouldnt last long...just constantly recast. WHAT DOES OUR PVP MASTER THINK??? tell us blckshdwdragon
Eh Ma, Ima Gunna B An Engish Magor
Last edited by koolio_kid2001; 2004-06-22 at 10:18 AM.
an ETH T-stroke would suck so much. they dont regenerate...but i guess if ur dueling ur not throwing them. or i hoipe not cuz once u use em all bye bye. but like charged strike i guess. even though i had a pair of JAV's THAT FUCKIN BROKE!!!!!!!!!! dont ask me fuckin how, but they were like lvl 5 req and had like +40 damage or w/e they PWNED and then they broke or some fuckin shit. but AN ELEM DRUID COULD PROB PWN THAT FUCKER. SHE HAS NO RESIST AND EVEN IF SHE DOES A DRUID STILL PWN's IT SINCE THE DMG IS ALL ELEM THE CYCLONE ARMOR WOULD ABSORB IT!
I know she have good def and mad life, cuz i duel her with my pally... and i hit her once... lets just said she let me, and I can't even get 1/4 life out of her.
note: my hammerdin could prob own her cause i can put on tons of absorb lightning equip and tele and bam she gone..then again if only she was on non ladder..
ya if u wanted to use a hammerdin just fucking be cheap and put DUAL WISP's, LIGHTSABER, UM GANGEL, TGOD, 3xORT or BLACKHORN helm AND U GOT TONZ OF FUCKIN LIGHT ABSORB but serious ELEM DRUID blckshadw ANSWER damnit...which is best to pwn her!
man i want all the equipment for making a lighting sorc!!, that stuff is awesome, if only i had all that equipment i would make a thunderstorm sorc, it would pwn so much, u just teleport around and 1 shot would kill a person rofl