That armor would be best used on a melee barb or melee pally, put a pul in it or cham and you get the most def and armor can have (that wont break atleast)
Thats the last thing I need. A mana guzzeler. A lot of the builds that use the enigma don't have the ubar amounts of mana to spare for the tele, or the damage to mana option.
thats a good point...
however, my pally is a hammadin--> medi while teleporting and the resque souls aura(gives back mana and life)
i am sure you can get it with a pally
all the other chars... its hard, ur right, did not thought about it yet
Sovereign said:
If you ask me, trying to figure out what the fuck people are saying in the D2 Forums is half the fun .
thats a good point...
however, my pally is a hammadin--> medi while teleporting and the resque souls aura(gives back mana and life)
i am sure you can get it with a pally
all the other chars... its hard, ur right, did not thought about it yet
an aura while teleporting... interesting choice of words, anyhow an eth steel carapace is good for barbs pallys mercs or any melee sort vs another melee class usually but in certain specifics its not, to the right person its worth lots, i dunno the exact price but i would estimate aprox 1/4 to 1/2 of a perf one since the def is a lil below average (for its type)
an aura while teleporting... interesting choice of words,
i forgot, follower runs behind you, its not a merc who gets teleported with u... sry, my fault!
one with nearly max edefense was in another forum VEX
Sovereign said:
If you ask me, trying to figure out what the fuck people are saying in the D2 Forums is half the fun .
u can trade for high rune just spam trade channels. and celaron how in the purple and green hell do u manage to tele w/ an aura???? im confused if u know somethin i dont tell me