I do and Im just wondering if anybody here at zela actually plays on west and is always on,ect... If anybody needs a non-ladder rush me and my freinds can help you and give you items, our accounts are zagggon, stewiekillsu, notagain9, limedemon, I mean damn sombody from zela must play on west...
I use to be a shoe shinner now I sip Aunt Jamima, I go to sleep in Europe and wake back up in China. CLUB 977 The 80's Channel!!!!! -winamp radio is heaven on earth
I use to be a shoe shinner now I sip Aunt Jamima, I go to sleep in Europe and wake back up in China. CLUB 977 The 80's Channel!!!!! -winamp radio is heaven on earth
I do and Im just wondering if anybody here at zela actually plays on west and is always on,ect... If anybody needs a non-ladder rush me and my freinds can help you and give you items, our accounts are zagggon, stewiekillsu, notagain9, limedemon, I mean damn sombody from zela must play on west...
I play west, but only ladder , when patch came out i made botd CB for my barb derilum and then got off made a new acc then started ladder :P
ladder, I'm never on you'll have to mesage me, use my aim/msn under my avatar
I tried to message you but your aren't on. Guess it would be hard anyways me being in Hawaii. Unless you are really tweeking on D2 and staying up all night I don't think i'll be able to get in a game with you.