Posted 2004-03-19, 11:31 PM
in reply to KagomJack's post "Peta"
Peta, like the riaa, is a group of assholes, who bitch and bitch about everything. "Lets have equal rights for animals, lets not kill them this way, blah blahy blah blah blah". Meat is an integral part of my diet, and i will always eat it. I dotn give a shit if they cut off the cows head, slit its throat, drowned it, or had it killed by driving a bolt through its nearly non-existant brain.
Then these animal rights activists will say "Well what if they did that to you". At this point, i yell to them "FUCK YOU". This is by far the stupidest bullshit thing they try to do to you. "How would you like it if cows slit your throat". Well if our race was retarded enough to be enslaved BY cows, then fuck, we deserve to have our throats slit. BUT ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Stop bringing up fucking examples that make no sence. "What if this, what if that, blah blah blah", eat shit.
I dont see peta bitching about when a wolf tears the fucking neck out of a deer. Any moron who trys to tell me that thats a painless, "Humane" way of dying is on crack. The only diff between that and us, is that the wolf have built in mechanisms to kill. We dont, so we make them. Big fucking shit.
Im really tired and probably not making much sence. So i shall end this by saying, FUCK YOU PETA