guess what! i got tricked/scammed by maybe one of the oldest tricks in the book!!!!! i was trading gaze for shako and so yah i thought this was a good deal from what i heard about the prices and so he showed me the shako and then asked me for some runes and so i thought yah, sure why not? so then i go back in trade screen and i puit all my stuff and trade so quickly i did not even look to make sure it was the shako!!!! and it was a cap with a perfect emerald in it!! fuck!!!!!! i lost my gaze
i want to try this on other people but i need a good item first but anyways i got a ormus robes and i was wondering how much is it worth? on east ladder, i know this isnt marketplace but it would save my time lol, it has stats of :
11% cold and fire and 10% thunder and 13% regen mana and 20% faster cast