I have seen this on many other forums and i thought it would be fun to bring to Zel. Someone picks a picture(most likely the mod) and pastes it in a new thread. Everyone else photoshops it into other pictures or just changes the origional one to make it funny. I'lll will start with the origional picture this time.
Now photoshop it. You can do anything to the picture to make it funnier(if that's possible..) Good luck
Twenty-eight days... six hours... forty-two minutes... twelve seconds. That, is when the world will end.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
Shes?? Damn.. i have a new outlook upon this picture now. I thought it was a guy.... She has NO tits.. her facial expressions are completly destroying her susposed to be girls figure.. im going to edit this picture right now.. maybe i can make her look more attractive...