Alright, I'm going to post my results for my first 100 runs, and will continue to do so, most likely, for every 100 after this one.
MF = 212%
All runs were strictly Hell Mephisto.
-30 Elites
-47 Exceptionals
-56 Normals
-20 Elites
-49 Exceptionals
-108 Normals
-1 Elite
-8 Exceptionals
-31 Normals
-8 Elites
-20 Exceptionals
-37 Normals
Out of all the rares that dropped, none of them had good enough stats to warrant an upgrade. Therefore, none were kept.
I planned on writing down all the Exceptional and Elite Sets/Uniques that dropped, but apparently, it must have slipped my mind a few times. Although here is the list of what I did remember:
Sets (Exceptional):
IK Gauntlets
Mavs Gauntlets x2
IK Belt x2
Hwannin's Armor
Sets (Elite):
Dangoon's Teaching Reinforced Mace
Uniques (Exceptional):
The SCalper Francisca
Coldkill Hatchet
Infernostride Demonhide Boots x2
Skin of Vipermagi
Razortail Sharkskin Belt
Shadow Killer Battle Cestus (Ethereal)
Heart Caarver Rondel
Stormchaser Scutum
Fleshrender Barbed Club
Butcher's Pupil Cleaver
Guardian Angel
Athena's Wrath Battle Scythe
Deathbit Battle Dart
Dwarf Star Ring
Uniques (Elite):
Rainbow Facet (4/4 Fire)
Flamebellow Balrog Blade
Thunderstroke Mat Javs x2
Nord's Tenderizer Truncheon
Ethereal Edge Silver-Edged Axe
Steel Shade Armet
Demon Limb Tyrant Club
Well, there you have it so far. I guess this is kind of pointless at this point, until others post their results. But it never hurts to see what kind of drops others are getting, just so you know what to expect some times.