My favorite saga is the frieza saga since it was the first time Goku went SS. GT sucks because it was not created by the same guy that made DB and DBZ.
Everyone and their grandma watches DBZ. Why even ask. It's just the cool thing to do. And everyone uses the word "dude" and drinks Mountain Dew and likes extreme sports.
Yu Yu Hakusho pwns though. Too bad I've already seen every episode of it anyway.
i watch dbz, yu yu and rurouni and justice league, justice league is cool now since its like new 1 hour specials every saturday but rurouni and yu yu need to show some new episodes
How do people always find a way to plug Yu Yu Hakusho into a thread where it has nothing to even do with that show? It's rediculous.
The Freiza Saga was pretty lame. Freiza reminded me of a woman with never-ending PMS. And I will admit that the Cell Saga had it's up points. But that tail of his implied a lot of things. It was kinda...