What makes a game great? The music? Character design? The type of game it is? Or is it a combination of these things that make a game great?
In my opinion, you need a good combo of these characteristics. A game with good music, is interesting, but stupid and dull. Though some people will play any game no matter what the music, character design, etc. is as long as its First Person shooter or whatever.
good plot good gameplay good graphics and the ability 2 replay and not come up w/ the same results all the time...its good 2 have a storyline that you can follow and enjoy but i also like multiplayer where u can replay over and over again.
I think a good game shouldn't be too easy or too hard.I don't care about graphics but for the people who do care I would make a game with good graphics.All you really have to say when asked what makes a good game good is make it fun.If it is an RPG you need a fun battle system so people don't get bored from all the random battles.Or if it is a fighting game combos make it fun.
I think replay value makes games good. I dont feel liek paying 50 some bucks for a game to beat it then throw it aside. No, i want to love it so much that i want to replay it over and over and over again.
I'd say story line, battle system (if applicable), character interaction, and mutliple endings. You can or you can't go wrong with Mutliple Endings. What if so-and-so died instead of living? How will it affect the ending?
Games are like a piece of art in a way, they encompass multiple areas of artistry, music, story telling, design, etc. They all have good things to do, and bad things that are aesthetically displeasing and can mellow out the gameplay and overall performance of the game. Rounding it all together, keeping a cool head for all of these variables, and still making it flexible and workable will make a good game. Oft times a good example of this is just something simple. Simply because it's easier to make a good simple game then it is to make a good complex game. Go fig.
What I've learned from living in this country : America is a bad word, so is Religion.