I swear this place is just one underground Conspiracy. I've heard so many diffrent rumors and i've been here for almost a year now. Oct 10th is my one year anniversity. WTF is going on behind the doors of zelaron? Hell the name alone sounds like a Conspiracy! lol Only one can wonder what goes on in those private forums By the way my first account was xwelchsidx or something like that. for those who will say i've been here snice oct
Zelaron Explaine yourself? Whos blowing who now to get posistions! lmao
WEll we all know chruser is an alien bent on taking over the world wide web, then the world. But other then our sweedish dictator i dont think anyone else ahs the potential to be an alien. Unless your referring to an illegal immigrant alien...eddie -_-
You speaky engrish eddie....you are one of them arent you...YOUR YELLING AT ME IN YORU SECRET TOUNGE....MUST KILL EDDIE THE FOREIGN ALIEN...HELP ME MY MINION (see below)
*look arround*
Yes i heard they transformed him in a !
*look arround*
From my source he was sent to spy on some of us.
*look arround*
*spot someone !*
*run away*
OK i confess im using zelaron as a front to start a nuclear war. Why? so i can have all the cola i want. Even as we speak my flying monkeys(a couple of anonymous members on this site) are hijacking an american battleship and their gonna take it into chinese waters and you'll never stop them NEVER
Yeah, lets please drop this ridiculous conversation. Why would you think anything like this? We have nothing to hide... Nothing I tell you, nothing! Please let this go, its for the better of the community...
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