Holy shit, thats a load off, yeah, me and my friends get em too, it feels like somebody takes a rusty knife and rams it into your chest, fucking hurts, you just have to hold still for like 20 seconds until it goes away. Thats good to know that it is growing pains, my friends say they get em too, we're all sorta stumped on wtf it was.
I think that I may be depressed, I'm not clinically depressed, but not sure... I think I might even be Bi-polar, as some say they are, sometimes I'll be in a hyper-ass mood, bouncing off of walls, running around, then bout an hour later I'll be fucking angry and shit for no reason, someone walks by, i'll fucking just go off. No explainable reason, I've got a doctor's appointment like next month, hopefully they'll give me painkillers or something to 'ease the pain'
I really honestly do think I have a.d.d. When I was young i used to be really really hyper, like I couldn't hold still. Happened all the time in school, its not as bad anymore, but sitting in a class for an hour is almost impossible for me, I can't stand sitting STILL for a long period of time, I just cant pay attention, and then I get in trouble, refferal, office, phone call to parents, grounded, etc. Oh well, though .
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]