Hey, I'm new to VBC++ v6.0. I know that there are various help sites out there, but they only cover the basics. There is no command list included with C++, so how do you guys know what commands do what? Any resources? Thanks.
Actually, any book on C++ that you buy should list all of them. You are probably thinking of the functions in the standard libraries. You can get help on a function by typing it in the editor, and hitting F1 while the caret(the place where the letters you type appear) is over the word. MSDN library, which is included with Visual Studio, has a quite thorough explaination of standard functions. Look in MSDN library under Visual Studio 6.0 Documentation, Visual C++ Documentation, Reference. You will find complete reference for MFC, as well as a complete language reference for C and C++, in addition to reference for the standard libraries. The information in this section of MSDN Library in print form is a stack of books a full foot tall.
There is a wealth of knowledge to be found in the MSDN Library