This is a picture of the rare Pink Sprawler taken by me when I recently visited Africa. Anyone that knows flowers can appreciate this. Feel free to critique as you'd like.
the pic is not very large but the flower looks cool
I, S, A zum R wer von euch denkt hier er könnte mehr, als die Berliner Bären? Adrenalin Musik direkt aus Kreuzberg!
Ich mache harte Musik auf harte Beats, wie diesen hier. Hinter mir Untergrundkrieger die mit mir maschieren als Team! Seit Jahren seh ich sie alle an uns vorbeiziehen, erst Savas dann Aggro, es ist Zeit für?! ADRENALIN!!!
haha, I thought I had everyone going there for a second... tell Chruser I said thanks
Graviton: What are you talking about it being a small web page? It's just a *.jpg file. When you highlight it, the navy blue pixels cover up the lighter pixels and show the darker pixels. Our eyes automatically pick up the lighter pixels first, therefore we do not see the darker ones first. Basically, every 'even' pixel is from one image, and the every 'odd' pixel is from another.
I had to change it to an HTML document to host it on angelfire, but the original is a JPG. Look at my avatar, not the image I posted in the first post.