Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Patch 1.10 BETA TEST!
Thursday, July 3, 2003 Due to the magnitude of the upcoming Diablo II 1.10 patch, we are for the first time ever conducting a special patch beta test! Unlike our previous beta tests, you do not have to sign up to participate. To help beta test the Diablo II 1.10 patch, you simply need to download and install the beta patch. For now, the beta patch is only available for Windows PCs; well post an announcement once the separate beta patch for Mac is available. Please note that the patch only works for the US version of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (the final release of the patch will be for both Diablo II Classic and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction). Gohere for more information.
Because it is not being released for gameplay yet, it's the beta testing.
So we can find dupe methods and other exploits and not report them
Yeah that's the way
I, S, A zum R wer von euch denkt hier er könnte mehr, als die Berliner Bären? Adrenalin Musik direkt aus Kreuzberg!
Ich mache harte Musik auf harte Beats, wie diesen hier. Hinter mir Untergrundkrieger die mit mir maschieren als Team! Seit Jahren seh ich sie alle an uns vorbeiziehen, erst Savas dann Aggro, es ist Zeit für?! ADRENALIN!!!