I just traded an Occy, the best item i have on east, cuz im that poor, for 2 190+ ed eth bartucs. thats right. nice deal... and guess what?
they were dupes and dissapeared on me after 3 cow games. now i wanna kill myself cuz my asn is weaponless and shit.
Hmm, too bad, that sucks. However, all you can do is to live with it rather than to greive. As someone once said; "Looking at the problem won't help, but working on it will." In other words, try finding a new occulus. Maybe you'll find something else in the process?
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
Fuck You Guys. I do have a life unlike you guys that spend all your time selling shit. Yea, i was angry cuz i lost something, and just cuz it sux doesnt mean you gotta go fuck with me. Thx for the offers for those of you that are nice, but no thx, i dont want pity shit.... most of the time.
Crying over a fucking occy? thats messed up, if you wanted your sorc/asn to be any good you wouldnt be on here, you'd be on the game trying to collect anything you can, doing meph and collecting gay crap and making a game called all for occy or all for 1 soj