Well.. i just had a strong thought that really... had an effect on me just now and i want to post it to make people see life thrue my eyes.
Enjoy your parents.. visit them often and see them, call them ect ect, be with them because once they die they are never comming back, you think of your parents as something you've been with all your life and you are too used to them to not take them for greanted but when you think about it.. i mean REALLY think it.. parents do not have a never ending source of life..
One day all your parents will be dead and you will be sorry that you are not with them right now.. and that could be one of the most painful things in the world... when you get a call from the hospital or have ur mother wake u up at night telling u to hurry up and get up to help her bring ur dad to the hospital or ur mom, then you will be sorry ur not with them right now...
Ofcourse most of u love ur parents but u also mostly take them for granted and don't think about what their cause of death is or when they will die but when you think about that think of looking in their coffin and seeing what you took for granted before dead before u... now that hurts... so basically what i'm saying is don't take ur parents for granted because u love them and once they're gone they're never comming back.. ever and it's the end of living with that person.. no more hearing ur mom's voice or seeing their smile ect ect.. it's all gone..
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A lot of teenagers don't have great relationships with their parents...in some cases, you'll grow up and forever hate your parents/family, but out of personal experience..it's best to just get through your teenage years with them, and move out as soon as possible...parents become a hell of a lot better if you don't live there.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I lost my mother when I was 13. Knowing I'll never be able to see her, feel her touch, hear her voice again, the thought is crushing. Plus, my Dad is weird. He can go from prick to cool in 5 seconds... Just cherish what you have.
ya i don't hate my parents one stays out of my life and leaves me alone and the other is and ass hole strict ass but i no longer have to care ill be gone and off to collage next year then ill come back and see them and no longer can they try and control my life
i think even if u hates/dislike ur parents but when they die u will feel sad unless ur a monster, i mean like real cruel.
i personally hate my dad cause he's not responsible but he is still my dad i lived with him for years now so u know. not a lot nor little i have somewhat loving him.