Posted 2003-01-22, 10:36 PM
in reply to Satoshi's post "Zelda: The Wind Waker...Pushed Back? o.O"
JiN-RaiDeN said:
Uh NO! It's in the United States too ass clown. I just got back from Electronic Boutique when I posted that. I'm tired of you trying to prove me wrong, take your ass to the mall and feel stupid.
Don't listen to this dumb ass please, just go to a video game store and reserve Zelda so that you'll get the free games.
Man, talk about someone who can't let something go.
I went with what I read in EGM, and was unaware this changed until later today. Even then, copies will be very limited.
This had nothing to do with "you" and your less than creative verbal skills of using "ass clown" and "bitch" repeadedly.
This all stemmed because I asked a question that you overreacted to, then got verbally slam dunked big time.
Stop being bitter and just let it go, ok?
Last edited by Tuff; 2003-01-22 at 10:39 PM.