ive seen it when i was into dbz a few years ago. its really not all that great. they just went crazy with how powerfull those fools get and it doesnt make it as good :/ ssj4 gogeta :/
ya, some other people bought the rights to it so different people who wrote db and dbz wrote dbgt. as for a new japantion i really woudlnt know because i pretty much stopped watching after dbgt. however, i have a friend who watches and according to him cowboy bebop is extremely good (i make fun of him for watching a cartoon with that name) but a lot of other people say the same so thats one you shoudl check out if you havnt already. other then that you could just try watching single movies instead of series. some of the movies are pretty sweet. Ninja Scroll is a good one.
yeah I seen ninja scroll and ninja scroll resurestion which is like cut up into 3 parts but the dvd only includes the first two but I can't find the end of it ne where but it is a great anime jubei roxs