I was just wondering if anyone knew how to make a game using c++. I tryed to make a game but it was not worth the hard work. I tryed to get a manual but there were none on the websites i looked on. If u find any good sites post them plz.
Last edited by HellSlayer; 2002-12-15 at 06:25 PM.
i doubt your just going to get a manual on how to make a game. Unless you want to create something short and trivial games take a long time to make and are a lot of hardwork. You have to be really good at c++ then have some artists and stuff, its not just as simple as typing in 15 lines. If it was everyone would be doing it.
games normally have thousands of lines of code, thats why there are bigass companys out there like blizzard, but, check some sites and the'll have souce code you can just add on too.
i know there are sample code's for directx out there on c++ and vb. but if you're looking to make the next diablo, just look at how long blizzard is taking just with the patch (thats with 2 guys working on it, but im assuming they know what theyre doing too)
i dont quite agree, lol well i do im just saying it's taking them LONG enough and if they would get off their fat asses im sure a patch would only take 3-5 months instead of a year+
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well i've worked on some simple directdraw games for a semimester project, and it took me at least two months to even remotely get it to what i wanted to do. Then there were still a crap load of class A bugs in there. So I think it's just the administration at Blizzard for not putting more people on the patch, but I hear that its in testing now, so hopefully itll come out soon.
im sure a patch would only take 3-5 months instead of a year+
Blizzard announced the 1.10 patch 7 months ago..pretty sad isn't it? They released information letting people know that a lot was going to change in the next patch...mostly the new type of characters; the ladder characters...This I can imagine taking up most of the time, and with 2 guys working on it...It won't be out for a long time.
Uh, but yeah...programming any type of graphical game takes a lot of skill, almost impossible for just 1 person to create, in my experience, i've never been assigned with another programmer with the ability to draw a half decent stick figure.
I've seen some prebuilt engines that can really shorten the process up, almost make it feasible for 1 person to do it.
Hmm oddly enough, that's a trait I recognize. Every programmer I know cannot draw at all, however every artist I know (including me) cannot code worth crap. It's a conspiracy!!! Oo;
What I've learned from living in this country : America is a bad word, so is Religion.
I was just wondering if anyone knew how to make a game using c++. I tryed to make a game but it was not worth the hard work. I tryed to get a manual but there were none on the websites i looked on. If u find any good sites post them plz.
I'd reccomend Windows Game Programming for Dummies. It takes you all the way from your first Windows C++ program to your first full blown 3D game.