also, i'm trying to be better groomed as of late. Ever since I started telling my friends a secret of mine :/ But I think that the tips Neko gave are very effective. And Kaos, pull your face out of the cloud of smoke That could help some
Get some nice clothes and a hairstyle, that should make alot of difference already. Just wear whatever makes u feel comfertable and still be a bit classy.
Shave it off, if people make fun of you for looking cooler than they do say you will call in your neo-nazi friends.
I know so many bald ppl at the store I work at it looks good do that, whats the worst that could happen.
Zelaron - [ Translate this page ]
Zelaron est une communauté en ligne pour des gamers, des programmeurs et des ar. - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Shave it off, if people make fun of you for looking cooler than they do say you will call in your neo-nazi friends.
I know so many bald ppl at the store I work at it looks good do that, whats the worst that could happen.
...dude...I love my hair. I would kill anyone who tried to shave it off. My hair is apart of my personality.
Well then you arent devoted, do what you want, the thing is if the right girl walks around (never happens) she will like you for your personality, not your hair.
Zelaron - [ Translate this page ]
Zelaron est une communauté en ligne pour des gamers, des programmeurs et des ar. - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Even the "right" girl is likely going to go for looks in one way or another, far more than you think. There's no need to ruin your looks to narrow down your options.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
Hmm, yeah. I agree with the clothes bit, and if you can't cut your hair any, I guess you could style it a little. I don't know.. Yeah, contacts are a good thing...hmm, what else. Pretty much the things stated in this thread are all good.
Of course. People can talk the righteousness right out of their bullshit selves all they want. We all know that physical attraction is the what people notice first and how people get together. There are some cases where after you are friends with someone, they tend to look better because of their personality, but most poeple you meet won't get to that point...