Yeah, I beat that a while back. It was pretty friggin' sweet. A little short, though.
Although, now we have Metroid: Hunters on the DS to look forward to.
Right now, I'm in the midst of trying to beat Fire Emblem, Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge and Super Mario World. Once I beat one of those three, I'm gonna snag Golden Sun 2 and maybe one of the three Castlevania GBA games.
Yeah, but that was definitely the most challenging part of the game. Plus, it extended the length of the game pretty subtsantially. And it wasn't a cheap gameplay extension like the crap Capcom pulls with the RE games or what Nintendo pulled with the Triforce Map quest in Wind Waker.
It was very challenging indeed. The funny thing was when you had to crawl on that thing in the top of that big room and then shoot it and they all fall. Took me forever to figure it out but it was funny as hell.
That was the whole point. The little part where you get all your shit back and the extra shit starts working is kickass, sweet sweet revenge on those pirate bitches.
No, you could actually make it through a pretty good chunk of it without ever being seen. There's only one or two places where you absolutely had to be spotted by the enemies. I went back through that section a second time after beating the game, and figured that out.