Time for another episode of Skurai reviews.
I'm sure we all hated Drakengard 3, but I recently played it again, now that my mind is developed to the level of Fasutian understanding I possess, and here we go.
This game is about some psychotic, blooddrenched, Japanese D-Cup, whitehaired goddess out to kill her five sisters. It really, honest to God, doesn't get much development. No secret plotline, no secret... anything.
Story: 2/5
The tutorial level, like in most hack-and-slash games, sucks ass, because it's the same combo on the same enemies over and over for 10 to 15 minutes, but since all hack-and-slash are like that, with the exception of Lolipop Chainsaw.
The tutorial boss is actually quite nice, as it presents all five sisters to you to fight, and you get dialog with each of them as you fight them, though the fight itself is dull, since you're still working with tutorial materials.
The remaining bosses are honestly enormous letdowns, as they all have one form, are "big giant ugly monsters that have a pattern and a weakspot" that western RPGs are so utterly fond of, and nobody else is at all.
The stages are that of Samurai Warriors without roaming boss enemies, or actual objectives, other than "kill 50 dudes".
Gameplay: 3/5
The characters and character development, honestly, are going to get two different ratings, because there's literally that little character development. The six sister goddesses are great characters, each with a different theme and personality as displayed in their tutorial stage fight, and would have been even better if you actually got to fucking confront them during their individual stages. One you did confront, but the confrontation was a huge let down, and more or less ended in "yes, the game is really this lame". However, one was murdered savagely without another word, another was this weird Japanese-style goth, who got killed by a piece of her giant monster on accident, the next was literally a vegetable, and the last was mostly just fighting her dragon, and getting really confused by the ending. Effectively, I enjoyed five or the six sisters, and had the two I saw as my favorites removed from the game entirely. Of the party members, one was a psychopath, two were purely sexual, and the fourth was someone I honestly wanted to murder, because he was a wonderful villain up until he joins your party for no raisin. But I digress. The main character does expose a tiny bit of gratitude towards her comrades, and even shows kindness toward her dragon friend after he dies.
Characters: 4/5
Character development: 1/5
Music was an overall theme of the game, with the goddesses getting their powers from music, with not much worth mentioning on the soundtrack, other than Three and Two's themes, and the Final Boss D theme. When transformed, vocals are temporarily added to whichever track is playing, which is beautiful, but since transformations last a good 15 seconds maximum, it's as much a let down as everything else.
Music: 3/5
Graphics were by Square Enix, so I was expecting it to be the only redeeming quality from the start, and at least the soldiers changed from stage to stage. The blood even stayed on your dress until the stage was clear, unless you transformed. Sadly, it wasn't Final Fantasy, so Square only made it as good as they needed to.
Graphics: 4/5
Overview: don't play it, it's shit. Would love to see the sisters return in a game that isn't ass.
story 2/5
gameplay 3/5
character 4/5
character development 1/5
music 3/5
graphics 4/5
Overall Score: 19/30 "This is game is shit." - actual quote by Gameinformer

Last edited by Skurai; 2014-10-06 at 03:30 PM.