Why would Huckabee be with the rest of that group?
I was surprised by that too. He and I agree about a number of things, apparently:
Should corporations and unions be permitted to fund advertisements backing political candidates through political action committees (Super PACS)? No.
Should there be term limits set for members of Congress? Yes.
Should internet service providers be allowed to prioritize traffic for websites that pay higher rates than their competitors? No.
Should the NSA be allowed to collect basic metadata of citizen’s phone calls such as numbers, timestamps, and call durations? No
Should the government raise the retirement age for Social Security? No
Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? Yes.
Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling? Huckabee's answer was yes. My answer was to incentivize the private sector to investigate alternate energy sources. Somehow the website thinks this is a match.
Should National Parks continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government? Yes.
Should the federal government continue to give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry? Yes.
Should the United States require labeling of genetically engineered foods? No
Should children of illegal immigrants be granted citizenship? Yes.
Should illegal immigrants be given access to government-subsidized healthcare? Huckabee's answer was no. My answer was yes, but they should be deported after treatment. The website thought that this was a match.
Should illegal immigrants working in the U.S. be granted temporary amnesty? No
Should law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes so that federal immigration authorities can take custody of them? Yes
Should the government fund space travel? Yes
Should the federal government subsidize U.S. farmers? Yes
Should the government raise the federal minimum wage? No.
Should pension plans for federal, state and local government workers be transitioned into private plans? No
Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy? Help, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited
Do you support the Trans-Pacific Partnership? No.
Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)? Yes.
Should the government require health insurance companies to provide free birth control? Huckabee answered, "No, the government should sponsor abstinence education programs instead." I answer, "No, let the insurance companies decide instead of a government mandate." This was considered partially similar.
Should a business, based on religious beliefs, be able to deny service to a customer? Huckabee: Yes, any business should be able to deny service for any reason. Me: Yes, but only in situations where a small business owner is asked to participate in an activity that violates their religious beliefs.
Should the federal government allow states to fly the confederate flag? Yes.