Sat and watched this with a few friends tonight... they all hated it. It was "slow", "cringey", "shit", "didn't make sense", "shit", and "had no story".
I'm rather disappointed. I half wonder if it's something that you've got to sympathise with to like - over here, we have nowhere near the same amount of rubbish on television that you guys have, and our culture is somewhat different. Being a heavy internet user, I think I just understand where the film is coming from better than my friends. Also, I'm a terrible cynic, which they ain't.
In other news, this was my third viewing in a week, which is something I almost never do with films (I tend to wait six months before watching a film again)! The only other film I've watched more than once within a short period of time was
Coraline, which I watched twice in four days.