I suppose this would be the best place to say this so here goes.
I'm back, I went off, did a lot of maturing and learning to spell and argue and realized I wanted people to talk to online again. Then I remembered DIII is coming out in two months and that really reminded me of Zelaron so here I am. Back at it and I hope that I am more enjoyable then I was before because looking at some of the things that I used to say I'm honestly shocked. I don't understand why you guys even put up with me.
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Atnas and Coffeedagger along with Wallow tend to cringe when I mention Zelaron. Atnas refuses to remember that this place exists. I just remembered that there were good people here and figured if it's been a while the terrible people that made Atnas and Coffee leave would be gone by now.
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I believe the only person who I really got any feeling that they liked me was Lenny. Yes K_A, you did in fact hate me. Most of you did. I think there might have been like one other person but I'm not sure.
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You're also British Lenny, and everyone knows the British are awesome people.
Skurai, I am not going to go with the community in hating you for you have not given me a reason to. Please keep it that way. I don't like to hate people.
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I am by no means one of these so called "new" people. I joined this forum 6 years ago. Just kinda went away for a while because I wasn't mature enough for it.
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Me, atnas, coffeedagger, and wallow were all friends. Or rather, I was the connecting friend. Yeah it's confusing stupid middle school stuff. And I sure hope we're becoming active again. That's why I came back.
<script type="text/javascript">alert("remember when scripting attacks worked?");</script>
I am by no means one of these so called "new" people. I joined this forum 6 years ago. Just kinda went away for a while because I wasn't mature enough for it.