Posted 2011-08-24, 01:08 AM
in reply to Skurai's post starting "How do you know, if you never try it?..."
Because I used to work in a part of town that is full of that shit. I used to deal with tweakers everyday. It's fucking disgusting, I see moms giving up their children's food for a tiny sack of dope. I see people degrade physically and mentally from it. I've met alot of new people in that area, only to see them a few months later with scabs all over their faces and legs, paranoid as fuck, talking like some is after them, stealing anything they could find, just so they can put their nasty toothless mouths on that glass dick.
I'd trust a crackhead before I'd trust a dopehead. Atleast a crackhead would tell you that you've dropped some money and hope for a reward. A tweeker would step on it and hope you leave without realizing it.
Heroin, Crack, and especially Crystal Meth.
Three drugs that would never cross my mind.