Posted 2010-12-28, 12:18 PM
in reply to D3V's post starting "l2read context you fucking 3rd grader...."
Sure, until you realize that THC is a depressant, much the same as alcohol. Nothing like delayed reaction to make something like operating a car go from simple to dangerous.
Sure, they can make "anything" illegal, but do you have any recorded instances of it being done for something irrational? Aspirin is legal, caffeine is legal, nicotine is legal. Pot isn't, cocaine isn't, heroin isn't, shrooms aren't. Ever stop to think MAYBE there's reason for this?
There's a fine line between reasonable freedom and self-destructive freedom. If you want to be free to walk down a street and not randomly be shot, perhaps there should be a restriction on murder. If you want to prevent people from fucking up your life in the process of fucking up theirs, perhaps put a few limiting factors on things like, oh say, drugs?
I'm not even saying you're wrong, really. I think the laws SHOULD be looked at, revised, or what have you. But sitting on a forum crying every time something you don't like happens is the most ass-backwards way of expressing your distaste at something. Especially when you start to throw around the idea of "unite with the pissed off Tea partiers and give them a shot." REALLY, D3V? You think the best way to change something is to get with a fringe group that's likely going to take things the opposite direction you want?
Look at the recent protests in London over the raised tuition fees. It's not hard to find a group of like-minded people if you get off your ass and try to do something rather than play the "If I was in charge" game.
If you'd LIKE to continue the douche-tastic attempted attacks like that on me though, feel free to start some heat in the flame forum. God knows that place could use some attention and this is the closest thing to an actual argument in years.
