Everyone seems to go through a phase where they hate me, then get over it. Weird.
Opposition! contradiction! premonition! compromise!
Agitation! violation! mutilation! Planet dies!
An awful lot of ations. Must be in China.
Did anyone else see the Otaku chick on American Idol!? xD
She made such a dorky fool of herself... I'm actually kind of ashamed. Now everyone in the country that's over 20 will think anime kids are like that...

And she used the word "training". She also had a Naruto jacket, which clearly those two things (Naruto + the word "training") are linked in her mind. Wow... I'm about to cry.
I'm only good at roleplaying bad guys for some reason. My regular "nice"/good guys always end up the off-topic characters. One time, I ate Lucky Charms, while everyone else was having drama and fights. My other character was causing all the drama and fights. xD
Now that that Metallica song is over... it's really quiet.