I've done the leveling thing, just doing constant Chaos and Baal runs, but that gets old, fast.
The only way I can play Diablo 2 and have fun now is by NOT doing this. This is exactly what got me bored of the game. Doing nothing but running Baal isn't playing the game. Glitch rushes aren't playing the game.
Here's what I do. Start a character, don't give it any gear, don't give it any help, and play through Normal, Nightmare, and Hell completely solo. Normal and Nightmare are pretty easy, but Hell is a challenge that will seriously challenge you no matter how good you are.
The beauty of this way of playing is that you actually enjoy the game itself. You HAVE to learn all of the little tricks that your character can perform, like using certain curses on the necro in certain ways, or killing immunes with a sorceress. You HAVE to do all of the quests that everyone thinks of as "tedious" (in comparison to running Baal 3652346 times, the quests are fun, really.) And the biggest beauty of playing this way is, when you DON'T have the best gear ever, even mediocre gear can get you excited. If you're looking for a way to make the game not boring again, try this, you'll agree I'm sure.
EDIT: Also, if you're looking for something "new", Hardcore can actually be pretty fun. I don't care for it much now, but I used to have a lot of fun playing Hardcore. You have to adjust how you play, otherwise you'll die. I've never had as many "oh shit" moments as I have when playing Hardcore. Hardcore can seriously get your adrenaline pumping. It's hard NOT to get excited when playing Hardcore.
EDIT2: Another thing I do sometimes for something "new" is go for something older. Try playing classic Diablo 2. You won't believe how much different it is. I don't really care for doing this now either, but it's pretty much a completely different game. Also, from time to time, I like to go back to Diablo 1, though I don't play that online (due to the fact that most of the quests are disabled on battle.net and only about 5 people play online anyway.) As with Diablo 2, I play this game completely solo without any help, getting through Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. It's quite a challenge as well, and a lot of fun. I'm actually doing it right now.