All Servers will be live 2pm
All Servers will be live 3pm
We have had an issue, check back at 4.30pm for updates
Problem resolved
All servers will be live 6pm
I would advise waiting 1-2 days.. I find it extremely annoying when chat is being spammed 190238187490812352789045 times by people asking the same question over and over and over and over and over and over...
His computer would have very little to do with his download speed. His internet or connectivity issues would likely be the cause if it taking a long time.
Anyway, Bleeding Hollow didn't go live until about 11pm est last night, and Dalaran still wasn't up by then. The sister wasn't happy.
I don't like the changes (to hunter). I feel completely lost and honestly havent any desire to figure out what is good / bad. I don't like when they implement such drastic changes and unspec all of us. My pet is even harder to spec. Oh, and for some reason my flying mount and epic ground mount disappeared on me today. They aren't in my mounts section (stupid idea). Im flusstered at the game right now, probably try again in a day or so.
I would advise waiting 1-2 days.. I find it extremely annoying when chat is being spammed 190238187490812352789045 times by people asking the same question over and over and over and over and over and over...
You can leave the chats. No need to keep trade/general open if you're annoyed by them.
Well, it is a huge update. I wouldn't be suprised if there's still some kinks to be ironed out.
They'll be ironing out kinks forever. That's what Blizzard does. They create a bunch of problems so they can work on fixing them rather than working on actually good content.
Why else did it take them, what, three years to give us the ability to shift+click on mail in the mailbox to loot it? While I enjoy them adding stuff like this, it just reminds me even more that it took them forfreakingever to do it.
The only kink I have seen so far is mounts disappearing. Luckily I had some spare's in my bank so I am able to get around still. The other thing I have noticed was that I was in Zangarmarsh and I could see people /s in Ogrimmar. I could also see emotes from Zangarmarsh. I just don't know, I might be at a point in which it is better to just reroll a character and relearn everything on the way up.