Posted 2008-05-19, 06:05 PM
in reply to Lenny's post starting "Real Canadian Bear fur - humanely..."
Lenny said:
Real Canadian Bear fur - humanely culled, though. They don't kill the bears specifically for the fur.
I did not know that, goodness I would have fainted had I known at the time that it was a dead animal, no matter how humane it was.
Lenny said:
You know, Buckingham Palace is relatively young...
I actually do know that, when I was reasearching the architecture on it, I noticed that most of the features are pretty moddern when compared to some of the older castles both in ireland and other places. I also figured it out when I was researching it, I remember the date it was made.
Lenny said:
As for the Tower, it was originally a simple square keep (the White Tower) built by William the Conqueror in 1078....
I actually know most of that Lenny I did extensive research on it all, very fascinating history. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
Lenny said:
You know, I personally haven't met any Americans in real life. To me you're all mythical beasts....
Ha, good show, the american life is like one never ending sit com and life time story packed into one show that's lasted years, it will be cancelled sooner or later though. No comment on the religion part of your statement.
Lenny said:
| Actually, tell a lie. I nearly bumped into a fat American couple in Wales once. Gods, they were obnoxious. We were visiting a nice castle and we could hear them drawling away in an ear-destroying accent from across the turrets.
Heeyyy hun-ney, look at the tow-er. Isn't it amayyy-zing? |
You could not have made Americans more dreadful than that, brava.
Palin has scat for brains.
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