Mine has changed from PeeEyeEmmPee to BeeR n BewwwBs
probably going to buy another 1-month soon after beer n bewwwbs expires.
I'll update it in my thread, hopefully the new one gets stickied instead of this awful one. Also, you might already know this but, you get 1 free month everytime you create a new gamertag. Essentially if you get on hotmail.com and make the email
thanatos1@hotmail.com and register that on your xbox you will award youself with 1 free month. Once that expires then you can go to hotmail and make
thanatos2@hotmail.com. You lose you contacts and achievement points but, if you are just looking to have some fun with friends here and there then meh, who cares. You could have 2 gamertags that you play with. One for you solo playing achievement whoreing status, and another for online play.