Yea, when you said that they've been existant longer than I've been around, I'm 1 year younger than you. So it's better to say those kinds of things when you've been alive longer than what you suggested.
Green Day sucks, apply directly to the forehead, Green Day sucks
Yeah, however, I'm more intelligent than you, I act far more mature, and I don't dispute over something minor, unless it's just plain untrue. I didn't sign up with the name, "Why," to purposely annoy the Hell out of people. I don't go around acting more intelligent than I know I am. That's bullshit because it would be untrue of my personality.
Green Day has been around since the late 1980s. Yes, they are older than both of us and the same age of some other Zelaron members. All that I stated previously was flawless and absolutely true. Swallow, you have no real fight here. No one cares to here the whining of a 15-year old. Grow up and start acting more mature, then we might pay attention and care for your opinion. I hope you do realize that 12-15 is the age where people change the most. Your music opinion may as well. I, personally, like all of the music this world has to offer besides repetitive rap, gangster rap, repetitive bad/annoying sound (Usually from Punk), and some pop.