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Back For Real?
Posted 2008-06-25, 10:58 AM
So I was recently talking to Chruser about what to put on the portal, and I said that the only reason I was here in the first place was for the members. I never really held any interest in any of the special aspects really. The D2 stuff was useful now and again, and the RPG Maker stuff was interesting, but the real meat was in the general conversation. Much the same as before, when I try to read some of the stuff going on now, (Car stuff, lots of news, etc) I'm not really interested in any of it.

Anyway, I know a good number of those people are gone, and probably for good, but when I came "back" recently, I was surprised to see so many of the old regulars still around to some degree. Not to be elitist about it, I don't *dislike* any of the newer members. It's just that, over the time I spent here at Zelaron in the past, I grew to be friends (to a degree) with a lot of the members.

To the above points, I wanted to see what was going on with everyone, in hopes that maybe I could spark some interest (for myself and perhaps others that are drifting in and out of Zelaron currently) in what's going on here.

People from way back, in the long long ago
Medieval Bob
Strider Fury

Sorry if I missed anybody. If you're not on that list then either you're not from the long long ago, or I missed you on accident (started the list from memory then skimmed the members list to try and fill in the blanks).

Anyhow, if you are on that list and are still here, what's up? What's been going on with you? How's stuff? etc. If you still talk to somebody that is on the list that isn't here anymore, what's up with him? What's been going on, etc. And to you newbies, hi2u too. Who are you? Why are you here? Who brought you here? Why did you stay?

I hope this can start a trend in bringing back the kind of activity (or perhaps just pointing it out to me, if it already exists) that we had back I was the Prince of Zelaron. If not... *shrug*
D3V said:
This message is hidden because D3V is on your ignore list.
What is it they say about silence being golden?

Last edited by Medieval Bob; 2008-07-05 at 07:44 PM.
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Medieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzMedieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz
Medieval Bob

Posted 2008-06-25, 11:16 AM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
I *think* I count as oldschool. But yes, that is a pretty good list of people. I'd add a couple more like platnum, uncapped, slaynish, Senesia, Jessifer, silverjinx, but yeah you get the idea. People always stop by from now and again but nobody stays and becomes a consistent poster. Really wish kaos and Penny_Bags came back. Kaos is probably in jail, though, and Penny finally came out of the closet and moved to San Fran where his internet access takes a backseat to going to Starbucks, knitting, and of course, sucking cock.

So, there you have it.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-06-25, 11:51 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "I *think* I count as oldschool. But..."
You ditched your old-school name, so you don't count as old-school
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WetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2008-06-25, 12:30 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
Fuck, Sirpullido was funny as shit.
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Randuin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 01:07 PM in reply to Randuin's post starting "Fuck, Sirpullido was funny as shit."
Randuin said: [Goto]
Fuck, Sirpullido was funny as shit.
go back to arab and eat your fucking kitty
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-06-25, 01:13 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "go back to arab and eat your fucking..."
Cats are delicious
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Randuin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 02:44 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
Medieval Bob said: [Goto]
Sorry if I missed anybody. If you're not on that list then either you're not from the long long ago, or I missed you on accident (started the list from memory then skimmed the members list to try and fill in the blanks).
And I thought we were friends.... I also noticed one SJ wasn't on your list.
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khwiii enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzkhwiii enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2008-06-25, 02:46 PM in reply to WetWired's post starting "You ditched your old-school name, so..."
WetWired said: [Goto]
You ditched your old-school name, so you don't count as old-school
/kills self
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-06-25, 02:50 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
I'm a junior at the University of Kentucky. I'm currently back home for Summer after completing my summer acc 301 class. Yea, I'm gonna be an accountant. Exciting, huh? I've got a girlfriend who is a Berliner. We've been together for 4.5 months. And ...yea, that's about it I guess. How're you?
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Willkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2008-06-25, 03:26 PM in reply to Willkillforfood's post starting "I'm a junior at the University of..."
I thought I was an "Old School Member" also, but apparently not.
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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:05 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
I originally came here for the great D2 info. I stayed on awhile because of the interesting people and conversations. Wow that was a long time ago lol
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kockblocker1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenkockblocker1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:09 PM in reply to kockblocker1's post starting "I originally came here for the great D2..."
Welcome back, kockblocker! What are you up to these days?

Oh yeah, for those of you who have mysteriously returned, don't miss out on the Zelaron MMORPG project:

"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram

Last edited by Chruser; 2008-06-25 at 04:12 PM.
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:12 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post "Back For Real?"
Fuck this thread, son!
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JiN-RaiDeN is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJiN-RaiDeN is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:18 PM in reply to JiN-RaiDeN's post starting "Fuck this thread, son!"
Oh No You Didin
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Willkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:22 PM in reply to Willkillforfood's post starting "Oh No You Didin"
Welcome back all!
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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2008-06-25, 04:56 PM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "Welcome back all!"
waaa, what the sh!t is thissssssssssssssssss thread?:P_
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ZeroC0ol is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenZeroC0ol is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 07:14 PM in reply to khwiii's post starting "And I thought we were friends.... I..."
khwiii said: [Goto]
And I thought we were friends.... I also noticed one SJ wasn't on your list.
Oh shit my bad khwiii. I put ya on there. And uh... ya.

You too spec
D3V said:
This message is hidden because D3V is on your ignore list.
What is it they say about silence being golden?

Last edited by Medieval Bob; 2008-06-25 at 07:18 PM.
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Medieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzMedieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz
Medieval Bob

Posted 2008-06-25, 07:21 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post starting "Oh shit my bad khwiii. I put ya on..."
Whew sooo... its been sooooooooooooooooooooo long SOCOM anyone?
my cat goes moo.... does yours????
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sprigg is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweensprigg is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-06-25, 07:21 PM in reply to Willkillforfood's post starting "I'm a junior at the University of..."
Willkillforfood said: [Goto]
I'm a junior at the University of Kentucky. I'm currently back home for Summer after completing my summer acc 301 class. Yea, I'm gonna be an accountant. Exciting, huh? I've got a girlfriend who is a Berliner. We've been together for 4.5 months. And ...yea, that's about it I guess. How're you?
Can't complain too much. I've been doing IT Consulting for about a year now. It's bullshit and lots of hours sometimes and boring the rest of the time, but it pays the bills (and does a damn good job at it too).

Other than that, not too much goin on. Been thinkin about getting a new house. I'd like somewhere a little more rural and maybe waterfront. It'll probably be a while before I sell this house though, so no rush.

Also, no. Accounting is not exciting.
D3V said:
This message is hidden because D3V is on your ignore list.
What is it they say about silence being golden?
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Medieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzMedieval Bob enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz
Medieval Bob

Posted 2008-06-25, 07:25 PM in reply to Medieval Bob's post starting "Can't complain too much. I've been..."
What'd you do, spam everyone on you AIM list to get these old members here today?
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khwiii enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzkhwiii enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz


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