Posted 2008-05-09, 10:56 PM
in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "25mgs Ritalin insufflated, woohoo. I..."
!King_Amazon! said:
25mgs Ritalin insufflated, woohoo. I haven't had any today until now. It doesn't seem to have much of an effect unless I insufflate it, so I'm saving it for housework/study time.
!King_Amazon! said:
Ritalin, 10mg twice daily.
There were a few bad side effects, though. First, when it first started kicking in, I got some pretty severe anxiety. From what I've read, this is fairly common, but it was really bad. Secondly, it wasn't the uberfocus that people describe it as. I was still somewhat easily distracted by things around me, and my thoughts were still a bit chaotic and unorganized. It really felt like a caffeine rush. Third, the muscles in the back of my neck and upper back were very tense throughout the day. Fourth, lack of appetite. I could tell that I was hungry, but felt no urge to eat. Fifth, dizziness. Sixth, which I'm experiencing right now, extreme fatigue. Now that my second dose has worn off, I am completely unmotivated to do anything, and feel like I've got no energy at all, and I'm sore.
It seems like a little over a week ago, you had every side effect in the book and only off of your minimal recommended dose. Now nothing unless you do double +5 boofed.