Posted 2008-04-26, 11:13 PM
in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Same thing applies."
I don't subscribe to any conspiracy theories, especially the ones that are supposedly kept secret by PEOPLE. People can't keep secrets. Just the thought that Bush and company could cover-up the 9/11 thing with some sort of conspiracy, but Bill Clinton can't even keep one woman and dress from being discovered... it's ridiculous. PEOPLE CAN'T KEEP SECRETS. Secrets rely on trust, and nobody trusts enough people to keep some crazy thing from going public. The only conspiracy theory-ish thing I am currently giving any credit to is the JFK assassination, but I haven't researched it enough yet to conclude anything.
Bigfoot, aliens, loch ness, ghosts....I don't believe any of them are here on Earth, but only because I haven't seen sufficient evidence to suggest it. Unfortunately, it would take a personal experience or the experience of someone I loved and trusted very much to convince me of something like that. Personally, I would welcome that experience. Except, aliens...that would probably scare the hell out of me. Especially if they were the Greys.
Fake Moon Landing, 9/11 Loose Change, illuminati, etc. I mostly think are rubbish.