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Angry NFL Monopoly?
Posted 2007-11-29, 08:19 AM
I've got something to point out to you guys.

As for starts, we all know the NFL has been the prominent league for American Football since the merge, it has been fair for a majority of the seasons. MOST Syndicates for the appropirate city would be able to broadcast in their own local town, as well as national.

As ESPN started with Sunday Night Football, I can recall on a few occasions of the Jaguars playing sunday night football (I believe it was the Eagles in '05?) and the game was being broadcast on our local NBC affilliate, as WELL as ESPN the National circuit channel. That's great, I complete feel that is fine, but what's horrible is NOW the NFL network has assigned Thursday night games for themSELVES, there is no outsie local broadcast of tonight's game (GreenBay vs. Dallas) both teams 10-1, both nationally known, not two underdog teams like Tennessee and Houston, these are two teams that are out there, and now only the smaller % of people that have the Nfl Network or the DirectTV Football package are able to view it? Bullshit, there is something seriously wrong with this in my opinion, and I prediect here and now that a few years from now, we are going to have to subscribe to some sort of NFL network/Football PPV package to be able to view our teams play, and that local syndication is going to be taken away by the communist NFL network, just watch it.

How do you guys feel about it?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]

Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2007-11-29 at 09:44 AM.
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-11-29, 08:34 AM in reply to D3V's post "NFL Monopoly?"
Another tid-bit.

APPARENTLY, playing in the MUD won't be permitted anymore.


The pittsburg/miami game was too dangerous for the NFL to appreciate. This is outrageous, watching that game had me in bliss.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-11-29, 08:49 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "Another tid-bit. APPARENTLY,..."
Not too dangerous to appreciate. A limb could easily be broken in that kind of condition.

As for the NFL Network, I watched Indy play last Thursday, but can't watch the game tonite. Oh well, I have to work anyways. I think you should stop bitching that you can't watch a football game. They don't air MLS soccer all the time, and you don't see me making any threads. Just watch the Sunday and Monday games and be content.
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HandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-11-29, 09:09 AM in reply to HandOfHeaven's post starting "Not too dangerous to appreciate. A limb..."
HandOfHeaven said:
Not too dangerous to appreciate. A limb could easily be broken in that kind of condition.

As for the NFL Network, I watched Indy play last Thursday, but can't watch the game tonite. Oh well, I have to work anyways. I think you should stop bitching that you can't watch a football game. They don't air MLS soccer all the time, and you don't see me making any threads. Just watch the Sunday and Monday games and be content.
What i'm saying is they're going to eventually make everyone subscribe to the channel to watch games, i'm telling you.

And they don't air soccer because soccer isn't an equivalently popular sport, the NFL here in America has a 20x larger fanbase, that's just how it is.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-11-29, 09:27 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "What i'm saying is they're going to..."
I don't see how this is in any way related to communism of any sort ever in the history of the universe.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-11-29, 09:34 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "I don't see how this is in any way..."
Well their revenue sharing is somewhat communist, but that's another debate. As for this situatoin maybe more of a monopoly?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-11-29, 09:39 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "Well their revenue sharing is somewhat..."
Monopoly fits a lot better than communism.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-11-29, 09:40 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Monopoly fits a lot better than..."
You change title? Kthxbie, back on subject.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-11-29, 10:33 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "What i'm saying is they're going to..."
Actually, they're trying to get the cable companies to charge everyone, regardless of whether or not they give a damn about NFL football, for the channel. They refuse to come to any sort of agreement where NFL network isn't a basic channel and where they don't get 61 cents per month per basic cable subscriber. In cases where they were moved to a sports package, they're suing the cable company.

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WetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusionWetWired read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2007-11-29, 10:55 AM in reply to WetWired's post starting "Actually, they're trying to get the..."
I don't think that there will ever be a PPV type of broadcast for football, but I do agree that this is bullshit, and I think that within a few years that exactly what WW described above is going to happen. They will jack up prices, give EVERYONE the NFL Network like it was in the past, and simply pawn it off as inflation...
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-11-29, 10:57 AM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "I don't think that there will ever be a..."
Well, some international soccer games are PPV. So it wouldn't surprise me.
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HandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-11-29, 11:00 AM in reply to HandOfHeaven's post starting "Well, some international soccer games..."
It would surprise me that's for sure. Fox, CBS, and ESPN pay BILLIONS of dollars to the NFL for broadcasting rights of their games. If the NFL decided to go to PPV, they would never make back the same profit margin as they are now. Even if there was potential to get that much money (and there isn't), it would take a HUGE act from them, plus everything could suddenly go down the shitter if people don't actually pay for the services. Too risky.
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-11-29, 11:15 AM in reply to D3V's post "NFL Monopoly?"
This is already happening with other networks. Indiana University basketball is being exclusively covered by the Big Ten Network only. Taken from http://www.puttingfansfirst.org/ :

The new Big Ten Network (BTN) is Exhibit A. Having sold its best games to ABC and ESPN, the Big Ten now wants to charge all of us – fans and consumers alike – hundreds of millions of dollars a year for games that are either “fifth tier,” according to sports columnists, or that we used to be able to see for free. In fact, BTN would be the second most expensive national network!

Leading cable companies reportedly want to carry the network in a way that lets sports fans pay for it without imposing the costs on all consumers. But BTN is saying NO, unless they agree to BTN's outrageous prices and anti-consumer conditions.


All IU games used to be covered by our local WB affiliate. It's all about the money and not the fans. It's bullshit.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-12-01, 04:50 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "This is already happening with other..."
Execute the executives and move on, clearly.
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Willkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2007-12-02, 06:26 PM in reply to WetWired's post starting "Actually, they're trying to get the..."
WetWired said:
Actually, they're trying to get the cable companies to charge everyone, regardless of whether or not they give a damn about NFL football, for the channel. They refuse to come to any sort of agreement where NFL network isn't a basic channel and where they don't get 61 cents per month per basic cable subscriber. In cases where they were moved to a sports package, they're suing the cable company.

Ahh, now see I must've been misinformed somewhat from the get-go, reguardless I feel as if the shift will still maintain to happen, thuough PPV won't ever happen because of the billions in revenue they get from ESPN/affiliate channels to broadcast the games.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2007-12-02, 06:49 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "Ahh, now see I must've been misinformed..."
D3V said:
Ahh, now see I must've been misinformed somewhat from the get-go
This holds true at any time.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2008-01-09, 01:53 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "This holds true at any time."
Grаν¡tоnЅurgе said:
This holds true at any time.
The same can be said for you.

JFK said:
Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2008-01-09, 02:17 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "The same can be said for you."
D3V said:
The same can be said for you.
Just another example of that.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow


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