Let me clear this up before I address anything else: I'm all for women's rights. I see no reason that a woman should get paid less for doing the same job, and likewise I see no reason why we can't have a woman for president. Sexism is a thing of the past in my eyes; and as I believe in progress, regressing to such a medieval mindset violates whatever morals my parents instilled in me (though it's perfectly fine if it stays within the realm of comedy).
While I'm all for a woman President; I believe that Hillary Clinton is, as a candidate and not necessarily as a woman, unfit for the job. And this disbelief is not rooted in bias; it's rooted in Clinton's own statements.
According to CNN, Clinton recently made the claim that, "I'm not sure I would have gotten through [my marital strife] without my faith." I have two problems with this statement:
1. Her Martial Crisis
Let's not mince words: Bill Clinton cheated on her with another woman. In response to this, did she leave his punk ass? Did she divorice him or beat him severely? NO! She just said, "Yes dear," and cowered into the corner of the kitchen like a good little wifey. I don't believe someone who would let their chauvinist spouse cheat on them in front of the entire country without repercussion is fit for President.
2. Her "God helped me through it" Statement
Let me get this straight: God helped you through a crisis faced by hundreds of married couples every year; and there are young, innocent children dying of famine and plague as I type this. Something doesn't add up here.
I know full well that this statement is just an attempt to garner votes from the unwashed masses (see: religion). But I also know full well that this doesn't make her statement any less stupid; it just makes it more empty.
Aside from politics that surely doesn't help any.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]