Vollstrecker said:
I don't know, if we're created in his image and given free will to think with, it sounds more like god wanted companionship, which implies a level of respect and equality.
Then again, he may have tried to make us to slavishly adhere to his Word and live in his glory like his angels. You should check out how well that worked out.
well you have to take in mind the simple and most important question here,
HE created US, it's like a father with a children, thanks to mom and dad, sonny boy was born, now sonny born was his parents to treat him as an equal, and not put any law over him becuase they're both human!
hmm...that doesnt make sense to me, i think the son should do what ever the father tells him to, because his father, until the boy is an adult, has control over him, and slowly gives him more freedom as he grows up,it's the same as with us, HE created us and now we want to be his equal? that makes no sense, he gave us free will, and all he asks us to do is to follow his simple commands, the point is that with all the things this world offers, it's kinda hard to follow his words.
But the main point is, he created us because he wanted to give life to us, and now we want him to lower him self to our status, LOL he doesn't even needed to create us in the first place, he could have us like animals living by instinct having sex, and hunting for food like a savage beast, but he didn't do that, since god is love, he gave us the chance to live our life, of ofcourse showing alittle gratitud to him.
And the celestial war that ocurred in 1914 (same as the 1st world war) was all because at the beginning of everything, 1 angel (satan, lucifer, how ever you wanna call him, its' the same loser)
was jealous of gods power, and got envious, and asked, why dont' I have power? why can't i govern over all the angels but he does? the answer is simple, god created jesus, then he created all the angels and that included satan, satans rebelious intent, and selfishly looking for power, decided to well, rebel against god, and made adan's wife(eve) eat of the tree that god told them not too, which in personally i think that's a pretty easy concept, god goes:"you can eat anything from any tree and sleep and w/e you want, but you must not eat this tree, this lone tree"
i mean there's like millions of trees in the world, and you just HAd to eat the one he told you not too? (lol).
Thanks to that selfish impulse, god symbolicly condemned the serpet(refering to satan) and then made man live on earth, working for his food and his survival, and to live with his sin till the day he died, and that's how the story of the bible begins, and so on.
i'll also be posting WHy people think the bible contradicts it self later on, if you find that interesting just pm me and i'll post it.