South Korea has nukes? =P South Korea is the gaming mecca of the world =o.
you obviously never played agaisnt a korean in starcraft........all you hear is "nuclear launch detected" during the 5mins you watch as your base gets raped
I owned Koreans at FPS RTS and RPG games im in no hurry to play the most rigged RTS game in the world and own them once again. People from most other asain countries suck too. I'm telling you it's all in the Europeans.
For instance lets look at Warcraft 3 for a minute. Asains use all long range moves and run away. They only move around in groups making them harder? to kill. Koreans run away when they can win. Koreans run away when they can't win. Koreans often feed people levels and money by using stupid tactics.
Now let's look at germans. They mass 50 knights or pick a character that has an array of moves that can be used in succession. They often move alone. They never run, period. They avoid engagment with other players until they gather intelligence on them. They often use very brutal tactics that actually work. They are hard to kill due to their fast moving blitzkrieg action.
Total it up and you get a Eurpoean player with a level 30 plus character and a load of strong men, and a Korean player who split exp with his weak ganking buddies and is only lvl 10 tops with really weak ass units that can only stall your awesome might. Koreans also bitch and bitching is only a sign of further weakness and lack of skill. Koreans get owned by not just Europeans but also by those copy cat Americans.
Who BTW also play like bitches. I am immune to bitch tactics either play like a mighty warrior man or die like a woman who can't even handle a warrior man in bed.
I will record and save replays against Koreans if you wish to see my immunity to bitch tactics.
Seriously if you're saying koreans suck at online games then you must never play online games, at least against koreans.
EDIT: Especially Starcraft, I can tell you from multiple personal experiences that if you get on at 4 in the morning and join a game called "SHETRJAETRJDSRYM" in korean characters, you will be amazed at how much they own you.
I never played any online games, but my buddy always played starcraft at like 4 in the morning so he could learn from the koreans. He owned over here in the states, but got his ass handed to himself every night.
Seriously if you're saying koreans suck at online games then you must never play online games, at least against koreans.
EDIT: Especially Starcraft, I can tell you from multiple personal experiences that if you get on at 4 in the morning and join a game called "SHETRJAETRJDSRYM" in korean characters, you will be amazed at how much they own you.
Did I not just say that starcraft is one of the most riggable RTS games?
Oh yeah almost forgot to say. People who copy another persons tactics are worthless and less than a challenge to anyone. Make you own style and own with it. In this case mass Carriers or Goliaths. Terrans are bitches they are way too overpowered to need any kind of tactic thats like saying I use a special fighting style in GunZ which is the second most stupid thing I have ever heard.