Posted 2007-03-15, 12:55 PM
Anybody know anyone who's been in the Marine Reserves? I've been dating this girl for a while who's a reserve. She's being activated in a couple of months, and I'm just wondering if anybody knows how that usually works? How long will she be gone, etc?
I'd ask her, but I'm really not ready to talk to her about it yet. It's all kind of scary to me. She'll be leaving soon, and she's writing out a will... She'll be doing convoy stuff, which is *supposed* to be safe, but with all the fucking convoy bombings and attacks and shit recently, it's not anymore. I've never dated somebody that actually had a reason to write a will, and it's... well, it's scary.
Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone has a friend or relative or something that's done this before.
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What is it they say about silence being golden?
Last edited by Medieval Bob; 2007-03-15 at 02:26 PM.