Getting hooked up with a 1/2 oz., a whole script of Vics for free, and some Captain Morgan. Don't have school tomorrow and I only work for 11 hours the next three days so I'm partying it up. Hell yes, only a shadow of what next month is going to bring.
We already have 8 inches and we're set to get about 8 more. Crazy shit. Can't get to my booze because it is across town. Me and a friend drank half of the 1.75 of captain morgan, and I smoked a lot of bud. Getting 10 percosette on monday, and then a new slide for my new bong.
Yeah. There was just a cloud of snow falling at one point thick enough so I could only see the lights on a neighbors house thats aboout 200 feet away.
Right now as I look outside, nothing seems to have happend O-o. The roads are clear. Either we didn't get as much as I thought we did or the snowplows were working overtime.
I had to clear out a lot of snow this morning in order to get the driveway unblocked. School is actually being delayed 2 hours, and that's just tonite. Perhaps they might even close tomorrow.
Schools back home would close if we got even close to an inch of snow. Heck they would even close if there was freezing rain/sleet that froze the roads.
As much as it snows here, if the schools here were like schools back home, kids would never go to school. I love it here though, it snowed last night and they're calling for snow pretty much all week except today.
If our lil' town had 50 feet of snow they still wouldn't close the bitch. Lol, just going to school in 50 feet of snow. Lols..Oh wait, NVM I forgot. It never snows around here. Last snow we had was back in '97.