You say that now, but just think about the new game horizons this could bring. Xbox brought us Halo1. What if 360 brought us something just as legendary? Anyways Im getting one, does anybody know how much they are going to cost yet? I heard that Nintendo and Sony will be releasing info about thiers next week. I hope Nintendo has jumped of the "kiddy" bandwagon, cause I love them ever so much, but after I got a gamecube I decided to drop Nintendo and go w/ Sony, Microsoft.
*Waits for Raziel to randomly appear and smite him*
I think someone needs to approach the officials about it, and first off decided what the rules, and guidelines need to be for a WRT. Cause obviously you can set your posts to determine how many pages thier are and whatnot.
Also, I just looked at the Spymac forums: They have a thread currently on it's 15006th page, with 10 posts per page. Thats over 150,000 posts. We lose.
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
I wish I could go to bed...but no...too much revision to do...all for a test at 9am tomorrow morning...none of which I've started...a whole year's worth of biology revised in the next...3 hours!!! Whoo...