Ive been a fan of the d2 world for 5 years so far.
Made hacks,d2modules, and 1 succesfull dupe that is patched now.
(You can thank blizzhackers for that)
One day i unistalled d2 because i accidently deleted a file or something.
The next day i tryed to reinstall but i lost my expansion cdkey.
So i was screwed.
Several months later i lost a level 84 character along with some mules of of them held sojs and other great items i considered of value.Including the hoto.
So this leaves me with no choice but to restart and play again.
My current character is amazon level 14 or so.
I'd be very pleased if one of you could rush me and level me up for free.
I do thank blizzhackers and anyone else who contributes to hacks and dupes getting patched so they no longer function. Anyways, what realm is this?
Kroft said:
Ive been a fan of the d2 world for 5 years so far.
Made hacks,d2modules, and 1 succesfull dupe that is patched now.
(You can thank blizzhackers for that)
One day i unistalled d2 because i accidently deleted a file or something.
The next day i tryed to reinstall but i lost my expansion cdkey.
So i was screwed.
Several months later i lost a level 84 character along with some mules of of them held sojs and other great items i considered of value.Including the hoto.
So this leaves me with no choice but to restart and play again.
My current character is amazon level 14 or so.
I'd be very pleased if one of you could rush me and level me up for free.