He probably resized it a couple times and ruined it or something... first day of work. lol. it's lunch time. I'm at home right now eating ice... work sucks. I have to stand alot. Oh well. atleast im high. and most of them probably arn't. suckers.
LMAO! I wrote eating ice. Haha. I meant icecream. No my feet though, have bruises on the bottoms cause I haven't done that much standing or walking for like 5 months! LOL! Thats terrible. omg I'm a lazy sack of shit.
This place called freescale, it's a branch of motorola. the division that makes all of the cpu silicon chips for things. It's crazy inside the "clean rooms" well the whole place is wierd, bit inside those rooms, it's like fucking resident evil, star wars shit. I've got the coolest job there though! what perfect luck for a stoner! i feel blessed. I think the dude that started training me 2day after lunch was high, like me. Hahaaha. He was all showing the the same stuff over again. and I work w/ the most laid back people in the "fab" the actually shake hands. haha. your not supposed to.
Woot I own.
Wait, you're not supposed to shake hands? What kind of facist workforce do they run there?? Unless it's to keep things clean, static-free, and the like...
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Plenty of gloves! We wear a suit, blue shoe booties(like in a hospital), boots, hairnets, a hood that covers everything but our eyes, which are covered by glasses. Gloves liners, gloves, and if ne thing gets on the gloves, or the rip, more gloves over those. And then b4 we enter the lab, we have to take a air shower. tehe.